“当羊入狼群” - 青年团契生活营分享
青年团契在2023年6月29日至7月1日于Praisehaven Retreat Centre举办了3天2夜的营会,并且邀请了樟宜堂的许巽然牧师担任讲员。今年的营会主题是“当羊入狼群”(Among Wolves),主讲经文取自马太福音10章16节:“我差你们去,如同羊进入狼群,所以你们要灵巧像蛇,驯良像鸽子”。青年人通过营会有了什么得着?来听听4位弟兄姐妹的分享!

Are we among wolves? Do we want to be among wolves? Or are we like wolves?
Going through this year’s Qing Tuan camp has helped answer many of these questions in many of our minds. I believe many of these fundamental questions are the kind of challenges we face day in and out when we interact with our colleagues, friends and even our families. Like many young adults, I also struggle with these challenges.
In the workplace, there are bound to be non-believers amongst my colleagues. However, the question is whether do I even want to step into the situation where I am among them? By saying this, I don’t just mean to interact with them as a normal colleague. But to take the step further and to build friendship and trust with them. I think the message from the camp is a very simple reminder: God called me not to be just a happy sheep living in my own happy sheep pen with my fellow sheep. Matthew 10:16 says “I am sending you out like sheep among wolves. Therefore, be as shrewd as snakes and as innocent as doves.” So, the message is simple, to go out there and know the wolves. It’s not a matter of preference but it’s a command.
However, notice the verse also talks about the way we are to interact with the wolves. We need to be shrewd, not in a way that is dishonest, as the verse adds that we are also to be innocent as doves. In other words, we are not to cause harm or to take advantage of them. But rather, we ought to be that Godly example through the way we live among them. This brings to another point which I was also reminded from the camp and that is that: God wants me (us) to live in a way that is different from the wolves. Because how else will the wolves know that we are not the same as them? If we talk the same, act the same, spend money the same, treat our time the same, then we can’t really blame it that the wolves do not recognise us as any different. Therefore, even as we live among the wolves, we also need to live in a way that can help point them towards the Christ that lives in us and the faith which we so strongly believe in. Then one day, perhaps the wolves will be interested to shed its wolf skin and become a godly sheep.

青团活动结束后,生活中听到最多的一句话就是“你不是一个人”。在我最脆弱的时期 ,这句话使我记得我不是一个人。无论环境如何, 无论日子过得如何,在哪一个狼群中,我不是一个人,我有耶稣的陪伴。我想介绍大家一首来自新心音乐的诗歌《以爱担待》,其中的歌词让我印象深刻:
“蹒行坎坷窄路,翻越高山低谷, 才知祢的眼目未曾远离我的脚步。”

The 2023 Qing Tuan Camp was the first church camp I had attended in a long while. While I went with an open heart and mind, I was also in the midst of exploring other church communities. I could not help but wonder if that would be my last Qing Tuan Camp. The games, morning walks, and fellowship were all truly enjoyable and impactful, but the thought of searching for a new community still weighed on my heart. Those feelings of uncertainty and frustration became more apparent as I spoke to my remaining two friends who were still serving in the church. We discussed our plans for the future, and where we saw ourselves serving for the years to come. Then, it was time for the last sermon of the camp.
It was as if the speaker had overheard our conversation. As he spoke on persisting in the church, he mentioned that there were increasingly more youths and young adults leaving their churches in search of something elsewhere. While there is nothing wrong with leaving a church if there are questionable theological teachings, I was prompted to examine my own heart on why I desired to find a community elsewhere. I still do not have a definite direction for the years to come, but one thing I am sure of — God has placed me here for a purpose that He is still fulfilling. My prayer is for the youths and young adults to have the courage to go where God has called them to be, and to find true joy in serving the Lord wherever they may be.
