Welcome to Queenstown Chinese Methodist Church (QCMC)!
We are glad that you want to learn more about our church, and to know and worship our almighty and great God with us! If you have any questions, we will be happy to answer your questions.
If you are a new friend for the first time, you can refer to the following points:
Weekly worship hours and gatherings can be found on our homepage
Click ” About Us ” to learn about our church’s background history, declaration of faith, church pastors and co-workers
Click on ” Fellowship Group ” to find a suitable fellowship group for you to get to know your brothers and sisters more deeply
Click ” Serve Participation ” to learn about our church’s ministry and how to participate
If you want to join our church as an official member, please consult the pastor or office staff. Email: admin@qcmc.org.sg Phone: 6473 3226/ 6475 3433 Hope you can find a spiritual home here. Jesus loves you!